That Time I Won the Cub Scouts Space Derby
I was in the Cub Scouts when I was a kid, Pack 1333, Den 2. I was in it with several William Tyler Page Elementary School classmates.
I remember participating in a few derbies – the classic pinewood derby, the boat derby, and the space derby.
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1.3 Seconds
While in Charleston on Saturday, I went to the Marion Square market with my brother. There we saw some guys break dancing, which I thought was pretty cool since that style is associated with the 80s, and it didn’t occur to me that anyone did it anymore. But these guys aren’t just dancers, they’re more like street acrobats, considering the stunts they pulled.
Just as this guy was about the jump over seven people, I pulled out my cell phone and hit the record button, and then hit it again because I wasn’t sure if it started. Turns out, it did start, and stop, at the absolute perfect time (which by no means did I plan – that was pure luck). Had I actually planned to film this from start to finish, it would’ve been much longer. Unfortunately, 1.3 seconds isn’t much, even if it’s the right 1.3 seconds, so I edited it a bit. Check it out:
Visiting the Nephews
Here are some photos of my trip to Charleston, South Carolina where I visited my nephews, Ryan and Henry.
25 Years Ago, I Got Bar Mitzvahed
I was Bar Mitzvahed on June 17, 1989, at Shaare Tefila when it was still in Silver Spring. I even remember the first couple of verses from my haftorah, Naso. Rest in peace to the man who prepared me, Cantor Gershon Levin, who died this past Memorial Day.
The photos of my family and I on the bima at Shaare Tefila were taken, I believe, a day earlier.