In the summer of 1981, my parents somehow got me on the show WOW, which aired on WDCA Channel 20. WOW was a children’s show starring Captain 20 (Dick Dyszel). The kids entered the set on a sliding board then participated in fun activities as cameras filmed us. Continue reading “That Time I Was on WOW on Channel 20”
Decades Later, I Finally Finished Watching an Alfred Hitchcock Presents Episode
No, YOUR hair looks stupid.
Back in August of 1990, my family visited Universal Studios in Florida, where I saw the Alfred Hitchcock exhibit. I LOVED it.
Continue reading “Decades Later, I Finally Finished Watching an Alfred Hitchcock Presents Episode”
Inauguration Day, 2017
The historical record of this day is already well preserved, but here are my notes as it’s likely something I’ll be talking about for years to come, and I’d hate for the details to fade from my memory. Continue reading “Inauguration Day, 2017”
When I was a kid, I had a pair of stilts. I believe I got them for Hanukkah, probably in 1985 or 1986, and worked my way up to the highest notch in the wood. It got boring just walking around so I taught myself some tricks, like like spinning one around, and tossing one to the ground while staying up for a minute or so without falling.
I’m not sure what happened to them – last I saw them they were in the corner of the garage, and I probably haven’t used them in more than 20 years, but I’m sure I still know how – just like riding a bike.
8/29 Roommate loses parking pass after getting into an accident. I order a new one, which costs $75. (I have two other passes).
9/4 Parking pass company doesn’t get back to me so I have to call again to place my order.