This photo of me is featured prominently on the article, “On the Inside: The Washington Post goes modern with new office space,” on
When I first read the article Friday morning, I didn’t even see myself. A PR person came over to me later and told me I was there.
Apparently, this site thought a photo of my head in front of some Washington Post signs made for suitable lead art, even on their home page.

There I am, working.
Enough about Digiday and their odd choice of artwork. Here are some more photos from the Washington Post office move:
Here I am at the old building, right before they tore down the sign and removed the linotype.
Here I am taking a look at the new building.
A couple weeks before the move.
What a mess.
This is the news hub.
A view from where my desk will be.
So. Many. TVs.
Even more TVs.
The preliminary move. Several of us came to the office a week in advance of the ‘big’ move.
My friend Michelle sits behind caution tape.
Valerie serves cake during the last day at The Post’s 15th St. office.
The going-away cake.
Here I am with Kenisha. I’ve now worked at three different buildings with her.
A Ben Bradley quote is being hammered into the wall, creating a racket.
All done.